Why dentists love doTERRA essential oils

High quality
You and your customers will love doTERRA products equally: As a dentist, you want to create a pleasant atmosphere in your practice. With the soothing fragrance oils, which are 100% pure and free of artificial additives, you can sweeten your waiting customers' time in the waiting room. In addition to various other mixtures, the doTERRA onGuard line is particularly suitable for dentists, which is an essential oil mixture of orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary and has a cleaning effect - both via diffuser and, for example, as a mouthwash. Discover this and other products made from the high quality essential oils from doTERRA.
Why doTERRA essential oils pay off for dentists
DoTERRA oils are not the cheapest on the market, but they are the best. They have a therapeutic level of quality and can be used for all three types of application: aromatic application, external application, internal application. Professionals use these oils and blends in particular. Many dentists have therefore already turned from convinced customers and users to independent product consultants and have built up a second professional leg.
The doTERRA products that fit perfectly in your dental practice
Individual oils and mixtures - here are some products that can be useful in your dental practice:

For a pleasant and soothing room atmosphere in your dental practice:
doTERRA diffuser
Bitter orange blossoms (neroli) calm and serenity
Bitter orange leaves (Petitgrain)
Indian spikenard
Lavender (Lavender)
Mandarine (tangerine) feelings of fear
Sandalwood (Sandelwood) uplifting
Soothing Siberian Fir (Sibirian Fir)
Vetiver (Vetiver) soothing, grounding
Ylang Ylang soothing
Cedarwood Relaxation Lemon Mood
doTERRA balance mixture
doTERRA Serenity blend
doTERRA onGuard mixture
Mouthwash: doTERRA on Guard
The mouthwash doTERRA onGuard

doTERRA On Guard essential oil blend of orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary cleans and soothes the mouth. Miswak extract reduces plaque and keeps teeth clean. Use the doTERRA On Guard mouthwash after meals for fresh breath and a radiant smile. Use the doTERRA On Guard mouthwash for healthy teeth and gums.
doTERRA onGuard mouth wash
We are looking for safe products for ourselves and our family. The doTERRA On Guard mouthwash was developed with this in mind. Only the best ingredients are used so that you benefit every day from the effective mouthwash with the essential oil mixture doTERRA On Guard. Use doTERRA On Guard mouthwash as part of your daily care routine to support oral hygiene.
The refreshing essential oil blend doTERRA On Guard gives fresh breath and conjures up a radiant smile. The effective, protected CPTG ™ essential oil blend of orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary and myrrh with other natural ingredients supports a healthy mouth. Miswak extract refreshes the breath and keeps teeth clean by reducing excessive plaque buildup. At the same time, xylitol supports tooth integrity.
Use doTERRA On Guard mouthwash in addition to normal brushing and flossing for your oral hygiene and benefit from a healthy mouth and long-lasting fresh breath.
Water (aqua), xylitol, glycerin, cyclodextrin, orange peel oil (Citrus aurantium dulcis), clove oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), cinnamon bark oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), cinnamon leaf oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), eucalyptus leaf / rosemary oil (eucalyptus oil / rosemary oil) / eucalyptus oil / rosemary oil (eucalyptus oil) / eucalyptus oil / rosary oil oil Rosmarinus officinalis), wintergreen leaf / stem oil (Gaultheria procumbens), peppermint leaf / stem oil (Mentha piperita), myrrh oil (Commiphora myrrha), miswak bark / root extract (Salvadora persica), monk fruit extract (Siraitia chloride, sodium chloride), sodium chloride (grout) ), Sodium citrate, benzoic acid, citric acid
Shake well before use. Rinse mouth thoroughly with doTERRA On Guard mouthwash for 60 seconds. Use morning and evening after brushing your teeth with the doTERRA On Guard toothpaste for natural white.
dotERRA onGuard - one Name, many uses

Many products for many applications
The doTERRA enGuard product family is large. From cleaning agents to hand soap to mouthwash.

Dentists as independent doTERRA Wellness Advocates

You know which products your clients appreciate
If you know doTERRA, you will love doTERRA. The various high-quality essential oils from doTERRA are an enrichment for every dental practice, because they not only improve the room atmosphere (diffuser) and the well-being of your patients, but can also have a positive effect on the oral health of your patients. Show your patients the onGuard mouthwash, for example. Your customers can also order their desired products directly from you at doTERRA. From single oil to mouthwash. You will receive a bonus if you register as an independent product consultant with doTERRA. Get to know the oils from doTERRA now and become an independent product consultant yourself. essentialoils24 was founded by a marketing expert. Therefore we can give you many helpful tips and coach you. Because we believe in doTERRA and we believe in you. Start now as Wellness Advocate from doTERRA.

Erwiesene Qualität

Die CPTG Qualitätsprüfung
Die Reinheit eines Öls ist seine wichtigste Charakteristik. Ist ein Öl nicht rein, riskiert man sich Bakterien, Schwermetallen oder verfälschtem Material auszusetzen. Dies kann zu Reizungen, gegenteiliger Wirkung oder sogar Krankheit führen. Da es für ätherische Öle keinen anerkannten Reinheitsstandard gibt, hat doTERRA ein eigenes Testverfahren geschaffen: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (Garantiert Reine Therapeutische Qualität). Das CPTG-Verfahren stellt sicher, dass keine Füllstoffe, synthetische Stoffe oder gefährliche Verunreinigungen im ätherischen Öl vorhanden sind, die seine Wirkung schmälern würden. doTERRA geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter und unterzieht alle Produkte und Verpackungen auch einer Reihe von Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass sie lange haltbar bleiben und gelagert werden können. Dieses Verfahren stellt die Wirksamkeit, Reinheit und gleichbleibende Qualität jeder Charge sicher.
Unabhängige Qualitätsprüfer
Es gibt unabhängige Qualitsprüfer, welche ätherische Öle, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, testen. Einer davon ist Aromaticplant.org.
"Experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way. As a third-party lab, our mission is to provide clients with a reliable source for verifying essential oil purity. Our expert staff has decades of combined experience in testing essential oil purity. They have studied and developed a variety of methods to detect adulterations through use of new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment."
Das Aromatic Plant Research Center testete ätherische Öle von 50 verschiedenen Firmen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass 95% dieser 50 getesteten Unternehmen UNREINE Öle verkaufen. Von den 50 getesteten Unternehmen waren Nur drei dabei, deren Produkte REIN und UNVERVERFÄLSCHT waren. Ein Unternehmen davon ist doTERRA.