Why yoga teachers love doTERRA essential oils

High quality
Yoga is trendy. But yoga is not just a fashion sport, but includes a holistic attitude to life that the yoga teacher conveys to his students. Helping them make their bodies more flexible and strong is a valuable task. Many yoga teachers also take care to create a clear, pleasant atmosphere in their yoga studios. Some use special sounds, others burn incense sticks. There are many opportunities. But essential oils can also create a very special mood, pure, cleansing and completely without smoke.
Why doTERRA essential oils are worthwhile for yoga teachers
Mindfulness and authenticity are especially important for yoga teachers, because they also convey the spiritual teaching behind the yoga exercises. Helping your protégés to develop physically and mentally is an important task. Essential oils can support this development in various ways. Thanks to your yoga studio, your students can also learn about the effects of natural essences. Get to know the benefits of doTERRA oils for you and your yoga students now. And if you want, share your knowledge with your students. As an independent product consultant from doTERRA, you can also build up a second professional mainstay.
Single essential oils for yoga sessions
Use single oils or create your own blends. For diffusing, massaging or even ingestion.
doTERRA offers a variety of individual oils, which are especially valuable for yoga activities:
- Breathing: myrrh, frankincense, cardamom, peppermint, basil, eucalyptus, rosemary
- Calming: lavender, geranium, chamomile, vetiver
- Mental development: bergamot, lemon, orange
- Mental cleansing: arbovitae, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, wild orange
- Grounding: ginger, patchouli, cedarwood
- Strengthening and centering: sandalwood, cedarwood, myrrh, frankincense
- Opening of consciousness: clary sage, lemon, lime, silver fir
- Sore muscles: basil, rosemary, wintergreen, coriander, cypress, lavender
dōTERRA Yoga Collection

The yoga kit content:
An exclusive trio of CPTG ™ essential oil blends from doTERRA for the yogi in you. doTERRA Anchor, doTERRA Align and doTERRA Arise are the perfect mixes to enrich your life and your yoga practice. These blends provide scents that stabilize, center, and illuminate your mind with every breath as you strengthen and stretch your body.
doTERRA Anchor Stabilizing mixture
doTERRA Align Centering mixture
doTERRA Arise Enlightening mixture
Application on the skin: Apply to the desired skin area. See additional safety information below.

dōTERRA Anchor® stabilizing blend
Main health benefits
Supports effective yoga practice.
Promotes feelings of completeness and courage.
Strengthens an unshakable basic feeling on which you can build.
Lavender (lavender), cedarwood (cedar), frankincense (frankincense), cinnamon bark (cinnamon bark), sandalwood (sandalwood), black pepper (black pepper) and patchouli (patchouli) essential oils in a fraction of coconut oil
Aromatic description
Rich, earthy, spicy, woody

dōTERRA Align® balancing blend
Main health benefits
Supports effective yoga practice.
Strengthens feelings of self-respect, trust and fluidity.
Promotes harmony and a relaxed development.
The essential oils bergamot * fruit (bergamot fruit *), coriander seed (coriander seeds), marjoram leaf (marjoram leaf), peppermint (peppermint), geranium (geranium), basil (basil), rose, jasmine flower (jasmine flower) in a fractionated base coconut oil
Aromatic description
Green, fresh, herbaceous, slightly floral

dōTERRA Arise® enlightning blend
Main health benefits
Supports effective yoga practice.
Promotes feelings of joy, clarity and courage.
Inspire a rise to achieve goals and improved performance.
The essential oils Lemon Peel (lemon peel), Grapefruit Peel (grapefruit peel), Siberian Fir (Siberian fir), Osmanthus Flower (fragrant flowers) and Melissa Leaf (lemon balm leaf) in a base made from fractionated coconut oil
Aromatic description
Citrus note, richly floral, sweet, bright
Useful doTERRA products before and after the yoga class

OnGuard - i.e. for cleansing the yoga mats
Yoga mats are used daily. Often by different people. doTERRA On Guard is one of the most popular doTERRA oil blends. Put 1-2 drops of On Guard oil on a damp cloth and use it as a surface cleaner for tools and yoga mats. Or put it in water and spray the yoga mats with it.

doTERRA Deep Blue
Soothing, cooling oil mixture. Soothing massage oil.
doTERRA Deep Blue is the perfect oil for a soothing massage after a long working day. Wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, blue chamomile, straw flower and osmanthus combine to have a calming and cooling effect. After long hours on the computer, rub your fingers, arm joints, shoulders and neck on the computer with Deep Blue essential oil. Use a few drops of Deep Blue together with coconut oil for a cooling, pleasant massage.

Essential oils from winter green leaves, camphor bark, peppermint plant, blue tansy, blue chamomile flower, straw flower flowers and osmanthus flowers
Apply to feet and knees before exercising.
Rub the legs of children in the growth phase before going to bed with a few drops of Deep Blue diluted with a carrier oil.
Rub the lower back muscles with Deep Blue after a move or a hard day's work that took a lot of lifting.
Application Notes
Use on the skin: Mix 5 drops with ≈ 10 mL carrier oil for massage. Mix 5 drops with ≈ 5 mL carrier oil for the bath. Mix 1 drop with 10 drops of carrier oil for perfuming.
Yoga teachers as independent doTERRA Wellness Advocates

You know which products your clients appreciate
You want your students to get ahead. Who could better impart your students with the necessary knowledge about the correct use of yoga oils than you? doTERRA oils are high quality and offer many advantages in everyday yoga. The right fragrances for grounding, centering or the right ointment for sore muscles. Share your knowledge and experience with your students. Get to know the oils from doTERRA now and become an independent product consultant yourself. essentialoils24 was founded by a marketing expert. Therefore we can give you many helpful tips and coach you. Because we believe in doTERRA and we believe in you. Start now as Wellness Advocate from doTERRA.

Erwiesene Qualität

Die CPTG Qualitätsprüfung
Die Reinheit eines Öls ist seine wichtigste Charakteristik. Ist ein Öl nicht rein, riskiert man sich Bakterien, Schwermetallen oder verfälschtem Material auszusetzen. Dies kann zu Reizungen, gegenteiliger Wirkung oder sogar Krankheit führen. Da es für ätherische Öle keinen anerkannten Reinheitsstandard gibt, hat doTERRA ein eigenes Testverfahren geschaffen: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (Garantiert Reine Therapeutische Qualität). Das CPTG-Verfahren stellt sicher, dass keine Füllstoffe, synthetische Stoffe oder gefährliche Verunreinigungen im ätherischen Öl vorhanden sind, die seine Wirkung schmälern würden. doTERRA geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter und unterzieht alle Produkte und Verpackungen auch einer Reihe von Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass sie lange haltbar bleiben und gelagert werden können. Dieses Verfahren stellt die Wirksamkeit, Reinheit und gleichbleibende Qualität jeder Charge sicher.
Unabhängige Qualitätsprüfer
Es gibt unabhängige Qualitsprüfer, welche ätherische Öle, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, testen. Einer davon ist Aromaticplant.org.
"Experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way. As a third-party lab, our mission is to provide clients with a reliable source for verifying essential oil purity. Our expert staff has decades of combined experience in testing essential oil purity. They have studied and developed a variety of methods to detect adulterations through use of new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment."
Das Aromatic Plant Research Center testete ätherische Öle von 50 verschiedenen Firmen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass 95% dieser 50 getesteten Unternehmen UNREINE Öle verkaufen. Von den 50 getesteten Unternehmen waren Nur drei dabei, deren Produkte REIN und UNVERVERFÄLSCHT waren. Ein Unternehmen davon ist doTERRA.