Essential oils for colds and in the cold season
The tips and recommendations mentioned here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education and do not replace a visit, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or therapist.

The cold season is on the way
It's cold outside and the other passengers cough in the tram. It is difficult to avoid all possible dangers of catching a cold in winter. A healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet help to strengthen yourself. In addition, essential oils can also have a positive effect on the immune system and on the respiratory tract. If you have caught a cold despite everything, it can help, for example, to massage the doTERRA oil mixture "Air" onto your chest and back and smell the bottle and massage your feet with onGuard. Cold baths and inhalation can also help.
Useful essential oils
For example, the following essential oils can have a positive effect for colds and for strengthening the immune system.
- basil
- Douglas fir
- oregano
- Melaleuca
- cypress
- thyme
- eucalyptus
- peppermint
- lavender
- lemon
- Air mixture
- Mix onGuard
Essential oils that can support the immune system and are beneficial for the respiratory tract

Basil was used in ancient times, among other things, for respiratory problems and fever. In fact, its essential oil, as confirmed by medical studies today, has an infection and anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. Due to its decongestant and expectorant effect, it can be used externally and / or aromatically (ideally using an ultrasonic diffuser) for colds and bronchitis. Ear pain is also one of the classic areas of application for basil oil.

Douglas Fir
The essential oil of Douglas fir is also one of those oils that are very well suited for use in the treatment of colds, coughs and bronchitis. Because it has an expectorant, astringent effect (i.e. it promotes swelling of the mucous membranes) and also has a floating effect. The oil can e.g. use externally. The aroma is intense and fresh. The effect is therefore not limited to the respiratory tract. Aromatic use with the diffuser can therefore ensure well-being.

The essential oil of oregano has an extremely strong antibacterial and antiviral effect, making it a natural antibiotic. It is ideal for colds and flu, but also for pneumonia, for example. The essential oil can be used both aromatically, externally and internally. However, since it is one of the so-called “hot” oils, you should definitely pay attention to a few safety recommendations for this oil.

The essential oil of maleuca is one of the classic oils.

The essential oil of the cypress is also one of those oils that have an antibacterial, antiseptic and also expectorant effect. For example, it can be used for colds and bronchitis. It can also be used to support the lymphatic system, as it is stimulating at the same time, but can also promote swelling and purification of the lymph glands.

Thyme is also one of the antibacterial and antiviral oils and has proven to be very effective, particularly with regard to the use for colds, laryngitis and tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. You can use it internally, externally as well as aromatically. Since it is one of the somewhat sharper oils, it is recommended to take it in an empty capsule and to dilute it for external use in a ratio of 1: 4 with a carrier oil. You can also put 1-2 drops of the oil in a glass of water (approx. 150 to 200 ml) and gargle with inflammation in the throat area.

An oil that soothes the nose and airways and can also help with headaches. It has a strong antibacterial, anti-allergenic and analgesic.

Disinfectant, helps with headaches, nasal congestion or respiratory tract and cough.

Has an antimicrobial, antibacterial and highly anti-inflammatory, analgesic (analgesic) and soothing.

Has an invigorating, mood-enhancing, antimicrobial, antibacterial and highly anti-inflammatory effect

To help with respiratory problems, dōTERRA offers the Air oil mixture, which contains, among other things, the essential oils from bay leaves, peppermint, eucalyptus, ravensara and tea tree. This mixture has a cooling and invigorating effect and promotes the relief of the airways in the case of cough and also in frontal sinus infections. Especially for children with a cold, it also promotes peaceful sleep during the night. Air can be used externally (possibly with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil) as well as aromatic.

doTERRA On Guard is one of the most popular doTERRA oil blends and is incredibly versatile for health benefits, consisting of the essential oils of wild orange, clove, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary. When taken daily, doTERRA On Guard strengthens the natural functions of the immune system. With its unique fragrance, it offers a natural and effective alternative to synthetic products. Take On Guard with a drink of your choice or mix it in your favorite dessert to give it a special flavor. It can be taken or nebulized in an ultrasonic diffuser.
Ideas for bathing

A bath additive is quickly made
A cold bath for cough and runny nose can be very beneficial and relieve the symptoms. Because the vapors of the warm water together with the essential oils clear the airways and relieve body aches and other complaints. A bath additive is made very simply. Here are some tips:
How it works:
You need:
1 can of Epsom salt (available in the pharmacy) or alternatively sea salt
1 glass
1 teaspoon of a carrier oil (almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, fractionated doTERRA coconut oil, etc.)
1-2 drops of an essential oil from doTERRA, for example:
Tea Tree
Pour the epsom salt into the glass. Mix the carrier oil with the essential oils and then add it to the epsom salt. Stir the whole thing. Finished. You can now pour the whole thing into your bath water and bathe in it for about 20 minutes. Take care when getting out (possibly slippery tub surface due to the carrier oil).
Tip: Gargle against a sore throat

Add a drop of the following essential oils to a large glass of water:
Tea tree oil
Now gargle with this mixture.
Wohltuende Massagen
Auch eine Massage kann angenehm sein, wenn man sich müde fühlt. Verwenden Sie Einzelöle oder stellen Sie Ihre eigenen Mischungen zusammen. Als Trägeröl bietet doTERRA fraktioniertes Kokosnussöl an, welches geruchlos ist und sich einfach und schnell mit dem jeweiligen ätherischen Öl mischen lässt.
doTERRA bietet eine Vielzahl an Einzelölen, welche für Massagen geeignet sind.
Basilikum (Basil)
Bergmamotte (Bergamot)
Blauer Rainfarn (Blue Tansy)
Douglastanne (Douglas Fir)
Eukalyptus (Eucalyptus)
Fenchel (Fennel)
Geranie (Geranium)
Grapefruit (Grapefuit)
Grüne Minze (Spearmint)
Hawaiianischer Sandelbaum (Hawaiin Sandelwood)
Indische Narde (Spikenard)
Ingwer (Ginger)
Kardamom (Cardamom)
Kassia (Cassia
Kopaiva (Copaiba)
Koriander (Coriander)
Korianderkraut (Cilantro)
Lavendel (Lavender)
Lebensbaum (Arbovitae)
Limette (Lime)
Mandarine (Tangerine)
Majoran (Majoram)
Muskatellersalbei (Clary Sage)
Myrrhe (Myrrh)
Neroli (Bitterorangenblüten)
Oregano (Oregano)
Petitgrain (Bitterorangenblätter)
Römische Kamille (Roman Camomille)
Rosmarin (Rosemary)
Sandelholz (Sandelwood)
Schwarzer Pfeffer (Black Pepper)
Sibirische Tanne (Sibirian Fir)
Vetiver (Vetiver)
Wachholderbeere (Juniper Berry)
Wildorange (Wild orange)
Wintergrün (Wintergreen)
Zeder (Cedarwood)
Zimt (Cinnamon)
Zitrone (Lemon)
Erwiesene Qualität

Die CPTG Qualitätsprüfung
Die Reinheit eines Öls ist seine wichtigste Charakteristik. Ist ein Öl nicht rein, riskiert man sich Bakterien, Schwermetallen oder verfälschtem Material auszusetzen. Dies kann zu Reizungen, gegenteiliger Wirkung oder sogar Krankheit führen. Da es für ätherische Öle keinen anerkannten Reinheitsstandard gibt, hat doTERRA ein eigenes Testverfahren geschaffen: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (Garantiert Reine Therapeutische Qualität). Das CPTG-Verfahren stellt sicher, dass keine Füllstoffe, synthetische Stoffe oder gefährliche Verunreinigungen im ätherischen Öl vorhanden sind, die seine Wirkung schmälern würden. doTERRA geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter und unterzieht alle Produkte und Verpackungen auch einer Reihe von Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass sie lange haltbar bleiben und gelagert werden können. Dieses Verfahren stellt die Wirksamkeit, Reinheit und gleichbleibende Qualität jeder Charge sicher.
Unabhängige Qualitätsprüfer
Es gibt unabhängige Qualitsprüfer, welche ätherische Öle, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, testen. Einer davon ist
"Experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way. As a third-party lab, our mission is to provide clients with a reliable source for verifying essential oil purity. Our expert staff has decades of combined experience in testing essential oil purity. They have studied and developed a variety of methods to detect adulterations through use of new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment."
Das Aromatic Plant Research Center testete ätherische Öle von 50 verschiedenen Firmen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass 95% dieser 50 getesteten Unternehmen UNREINE Öle verkaufen. Von den 50 getesteten Unternehmen waren Nur drei dabei, deren Produkte REIN und UNVERVERFÄLSCHT waren. Ein Unternehmen davon ist doTERRA.