Essential oils for relaxation

The meaning of Relaxation
The term "relaxation" has several meanings: On the one hand, it is about a physical, pleasant absence of tension, pressure and tension. On the other hand, it is also a matter of mentally letting go, or it can also refer to the fact that you have no difficulty falling asleep. Here are some tips on how to relax with essential oils in many ways.
Essential oils for relaxation
Single Oils:
Coriander (Cilantro)
Clary Sage
Roman Chamomile
Oil blends:
doTERRA balance
doTERRA Serenity
Essential oils for relaxation

Marjoram can have a positive effect on the nervous system and support a healthy immune system.
Ingestion: Dilute a drop of marjoram in approx. 118 ml of liquid and drink it. You can also put marjoram oil in a vegetable capsule and swallow with a full glass of water.
External use: Apply marjoram on the neck to experience its relaxing properties
External use: Rub a few drops of marjoram on the soles of the feet.


Add to the bath water to relax or apply to the temples and neck.
Apply a few drops of lavender to the soles of your feet before bed.


Promotes a feeling of relaxation for the whole body. Can help relieve anxiety. Creates feelings of calm and balance.
Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, spruce needles, ho-wood leaves, frankincense resin, blue tansy flower, blue chamomile flower, fragrant flowers
Description: The warm, woody aroma of doTERRA Balance creates a feeling of calm and well-being. This perfect mix of spruce, ho wood, incense, blue tansy, Roman chamomile and fractionated coconut oil has a seductive scent that promotes calm and relaxation. Spruce, one of the oils in doTERRA Balance, was used by the Indians for health and spiritual reasons. Even today, it brings body and mind into harmony. Ho wood, blue tansy and blue chamomile can alleviate anxiety, frankincense has a grounding and balancing effect on our feelings.
Start your day by putting a little doTERRA Balance on the soles of your feet and thus promoting calm and serenity.
The oil mixture doTERRA Balance is ideal for the AromaTouch hand massage.
Application: External application: Mix 5 drops with 10 ml carrier oil for massage. Mix 5 drops with 5 ml carrier oil as a bath additive. Mix 1 drop as fragrance with 10 drops of carrier oil.

Soothing and relaxing effects. Helps relieve tension. Offers the right fragrance experience for a relaxing massage.
Ingredients: essential oils of cypress, peppermint, marjoram leaves, basil leaves, grapefruit peels, lavender flowers
AromaTouch combines the unique advantages of oils, which are known for their relaxing and beneficial effects. AromaTouch contains our essential cypress, peppermint, marjoram, basil, grapefruit and lavender oils in a perfect mixture, which offers great advantages with different massage techniques. This popular mixture is an elementary component of the dōTERRA AromaTouch technique, a protected application method for essential oils to give the whole body deep comfort.
Apply to neck and shoulders to relax and relieve tension, or use with a carrier oil for massage.
Massage your loved ones with the AromaTouch hand technique and the AromaTouch essential oil mixture.
Epsom salt drizzled with aroma touch results in a great bathing experience.
Local application: Mix 5 drops with ≈ 10 ml carrier oil for massage. Mix 5 drops with ≈ 5 ml carrier oil for the bath. Mix 1 drop with 10 drops of carrier oil for perfuming. For external use only.

Promotes a positive, calm mood. Promotes calming and relaxing feelings throughout the body.
The Calmer relaxation mix creates a calm atmosphere and makes bedtime a peaceful and enjoyable experience. Applied to the soles of the feet and neck, Calmer reliably helps to create feelings of relaxation. Calmer combines the soothing properties of lavender, cananga, Buddha wood and Roman chamomile essential oils in a practical and safe dosage form with the moisturizing properties of fractionated coconut oil and can be used as part of your evening routine. The essential oils Cananga and Buddha wood, which we use exclusively in Calmer, promote the feeling of relaxation. When you feel like you need to recharge your mind and body, apply Calmer to your wrists, take a deep breath, and relax.
Apply to neck and chest to promote soothing and calming feelings.
Apply Calmer to your child's wrists at the end of the day to create feelings of relaxation.
Apply to the soles of your feet before going to bed to find wonderful relaxation.
Massages can promote relaxation
A massage can also be pleasant if you feel tired. Use single oils or create your own blends. As carrier oil, doTERRA offers fractionated coconut oil, which is odorless and can be easily and quickly mixed with the respective essential oil.
doTERRA offers a variety of individual oils that are suitable for massages.
Basilikum (Basil)
Bergmamotte (Bergamot)
Blauer Rainfarn (Blue Tansy)
Douglastanne (Douglas Fir)
Eukalyptus (Eucalyptus)
Fenchel (Fennel)
Geranie (Geranium)
Grapefruit (Grapefuit)
Grüne Minze (Spearmint)
Hawaiianischer Sandelbaum (Hawaiin Sandelwood)
Indische Narde (Spikenard)
Ingwer (Ginger)
Kardamom (Cardamom)
Kassia (Cassia
Kopaiva (Copaiba)
Koriander (Coriander)
Korianderkraut (Cilantro)
Lavendel (Lavender)
Lebensbaum (Arbovitae)
Limette (Lime)
Mandarine (Tangerine)
Majoran (Majoram)
Muskatellersalbei (Clary Sage)
Myrrhe (Myrrh)
Neroli (Bitterorangenblüten)
Oregano (Oregano)
Petitgrain (Bitterorangenblätter)
Römische Kamille (Roman Camomille)
Rosmarin (Rosemary)
Sandelholz (Sandelwood)
Schwarzer Pfeffer (Black Pepper)
Sibirische Tanne (Sibirian Fir)
Vetiver (Vetiver)
Wachholderbeere (Juniper Berry)
Wildorange (Wild orange)
Wintergrün (Wintergreen)
Zeder (Cedarwood)
Zimt (Cinnamon)
Zitrone (Lemon)
The massage kit

The kit contains the following essential oils and oil mixtures:
- AromaTouch®
- doTERRA Balance®
- Lavendel (Lavender)
- Weihrauch (Melaleuca)
- Wildorange (Wild Orange)
- Pfefferminze (Peppermint)
- OnGuard®
Also included as a carrier oil in the kit:
- Fractionated Coconut Oil
The aroma touch technique
The aroma touch technique was developed by Dr. David K. Hill, one of the leading experts in the application of essential oils. 8 pure, therapeutic oils or oil mixtures are used and applied and incorporated in a specific order in the area of the spine and the foot reflex zones. This increases well-being. Each essential oil in the aroma touch technique is selected and used with its strong aromatic properties. The AromaTouch technique is gentle and adaptable to be able to massage young or sensitive skin gently. This means that everyone can relax and enjoy the massage and the overwhelming pleasure on the body.
Taking a bath for relaxation

Creating your own bath additive
A cold bath for cough and runny nose can be very beneficial and relieve the symptoms. Because the vapors of the warm water together with the essential oils clear the airways and relieve body aches and other complaints. A bath additive is made very simply. Here are some tips:
How it works:
You need:
1 can of Epsom salt (available in the pharmacy) or alternatively sea salt
1 glass
1 teaspoon of a carrier oil (almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, fractionated doTERRA coconut oil, etc.)
1-2 drops of an essential oil from doTERRA, for example:
Tea Tree
Pour the epsom salt into the glass. Mix the carrier oil with the essential oils and then add it to the epsom salt. Stir the whole thing. Finished. You can now pour the whole thing into your bath water and bathe in it for about 20 minutes. Take care when getting out (possibly slippery tub surface due to the carrier oil).
Erwiesene Qualität

Die CPTG Qualitätsprüfung
Die Reinheit eines Öls ist seine wichtigste Charakteristik. Ist ein Öl nicht rein, riskiert man sich Bakterien, Schwermetallen oder verfälschtem Material auszusetzen. Dies kann zu Reizungen, gegenteiliger Wirkung oder sogar Krankheit führen. Da es für ätherische Öle keinen anerkannten Reinheitsstandard gibt, hat doTERRA ein eigenes Testverfahren geschaffen: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (Garantiert Reine Therapeutische Qualität). Das CPTG-Verfahren stellt sicher, dass keine Füllstoffe, synthetische Stoffe oder gefährliche Verunreinigungen im ätherischen Öl vorhanden sind, die seine Wirkung schmälern würden. doTERRA geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter und unterzieht alle Produkte und Verpackungen auch einer Reihe von Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass sie lange haltbar bleiben und gelagert werden können. Dieses Verfahren stellt die Wirksamkeit, Reinheit und gleichbleibende Qualität jeder Charge sicher.
Unabhängige Qualitätsprüfer
Es gibt unabhängige Qualitsprüfer, welche ätherische Öle, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, testen. Einer davon ist
"Experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way. As a third-party lab, our mission is to provide clients with a reliable source for verifying essential oil purity. Our expert staff has decades of combined experience in testing essential oil purity. They have studied and developed a variety of methods to detect adulterations through use of new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment."
Das Aromatic Plant Research Center testete ätherische Öle von 50 verschiedenen Firmen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass 95% dieser 50 getesteten Unternehmen UNREINE Öle verkaufen. Von den 50 getesteten Unternehmen waren Nur drei dabei, deren Produkte REIN und UNVERVERFÄLSCHT waren. Ein Unternehmen davon ist doTERRA.