Aromatherapy with essential oils

What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy uses the healing effects of essential oils via the sense of smell and through the skin or in certain cases via internal use (ingestion).
People already knew essential oils 5000 years ago. Scientists found a Mesopotamian distiller from this period, which was used to produce essential oils. Aromatherapy was later forgotten.
The term "aromatherapy" was coined by the French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé, who experienced the effects of essential oils in 1910 through dramatic circumstances and an accident on his own body: after an explosion, he suffered burns on his scalp and hands. Spontaneously, he supplied his burns with lavender oil. To his astonishment, the burns disappeared surprisingly quickly and without scarring. Gattefossé began to study the medicinal properties of the essential oils more closely and published his findings in books: "Physiological Aesthetics and Beauty Products", "Aromatherapy" and "Essential Antiseptics"
Essential oils are effective.
Ultimately, essential oils are nothing more than chemical compounds, which can therefore have a certain effect on an organism. In contrast to synthetic active ingredients, however, they were produced in a natural way: They come from various plants, which naturally produce the essential oils to attract insects or drive away predators. By gentle extraction (e.g. distillation, cold pressing), the essential oils are then extracted from the various plants and parts of plants (e.g. bark, flower, fruit skin, etc.) and made accessible to humans. How well an essential oil works and how it can be used also depends on its quality, among other things. Because not every essential oil is really pure and natural. doTERRA oils are 100% pure, natural and of the highest therapeutic quality.
For legal reasons, it is not permitted to make statements about the medicinal effects in connection with essential oils. However, it is a fact that essential oils are also used in medical facilities. Here is some literature:
3 types of use of essential oils
Single oils or complex mixtures can be applied using three different methods:
- Aromatic application (diffusion)
- External application (topical)
- Internal use (ingestion)
In general, only essential oils that are 100% pure and have a therapeutic quality should be used. doTERRA oils fulfill this property. The type of oil is also important when using essential oils. Every oil has specific properties and not every oil is suitable for all three application methods. Therefore, please inform yourself in advance about the properties of the oil in question. The tips and recommendations mentioned here serve exclusively for neutral information and general further education and do not replace a visit, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or therapist.
What are the essential oils used for?
There are many areas of application of essential oils. Here some examples:
- bath additive
- Supporting well-being through fragrances
- Massage Oil
- cleaning supplies
- Perfume
- Food additive
- Sore muscles and tension
- Revive or calm mood
- Etc.
Single oils for massages
Use single oils or create your own blends. As carrier oil, doTERRA offers fractionated coconut oil, which is odorless and can be easily and quickly mixed with the respective essential oil.
doTERRA offers a variety of individual oils that are suitable for massages.
Blue Tansy
Douglas Fir
Hawaiin Sandelwood
Clary Sage
Bitter orange blossom (Neroli)
Roman Camomille
Black Pepper
Sibirian Fir
Juniper Berry
Wild orange
The aroma touch kit for massage therapists

The kit contains the following essential oils and oil mixtures:
- AromaTouch®
- doTERRA Balance®
- Lavendel (Lavender)
- Weihrauch (Melaleuca)
- Wildorange (Wild Orange)
- Pfefferminze (Peppermint)
- OnGuard®
Also included as a carrier oil in the kit:
- fractionated Coconut Oil
Die AromaTouch-Technik
Die Aroma-Touch Technik wurde von Dr. David K. Hill, einem der führenden Experten in der Anwendung von ätherischen Ölen, entwickelt. Hierbei werden 8 reine, therapeutischen Öle bzw. Ölmischungen verwendet und in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge im Bereich der Wirbelsäule und der Fussreflexzonen aufgetragen und eingearbeitet. Dadurch wird das Wohlbefinden gesteigert. Jedes ätherische Öl in der Aroma-Touch-Technik wird mit seiner starken aromatischen Eigenschaften ausgewählt und eingesetzt. Die AromaTouch-Technik ist sanft und anpassbar, um auch junge oder empfindliche Haut schonend massieren zu können. Dadurch kann jeder ganz entspannt die Massage und den überwältigenden Genuss am Köper geniessen.
Aromatherapists and masseurs as independent product consultants

You know which products your clients appreciate
As a masseur or aromatherapist, you know your way around and know what is important for good essential oils. You know which blends your customers like and you know what you value in high-quality essential oils. Nobody could advise your customers better than you. Every day you ensure the well-being of your customers and use the right massage oils for every situation. Surely you will often be asked which oil is your favorite oil or which oils you use yourself. Get to know the oils from doTERRA now and become an independent product consultant yourself. essentialoils24 was founded by a marketing expert. Therefore we can give you many helpful tips and coach you. Because we believe in doTERRA and we believe in you. Start now as Wellness Advocate from doTERRA.

Erwiesene Qualität

Die CPTG Qualitätsprüfung
Die Reinheit eines Öls ist seine wichtigste Charakteristik. Ist ein Öl nicht rein, riskiert man sich Bakterien, Schwermetallen oder verfälschtem Material auszusetzen. Dies kann zu Reizungen, gegenteiliger Wirkung oder sogar Krankheit führen. Da es für ätherische Öle keinen anerkannten Reinheitsstandard gibt, hat doTERRA ein eigenes Testverfahren geschaffen: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® (Garantiert Reine Therapeutische Qualität). Das CPTG-Verfahren stellt sicher, dass keine Füllstoffe, synthetische Stoffe oder gefährliche Verunreinigungen im ätherischen Öl vorhanden sind, die seine Wirkung schmälern würden. doTERRA geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter und unterzieht alle Produkte und Verpackungen auch einer Reihe von Tests, um sicherzustellen, dass sie lange haltbar bleiben und gelagert werden können. Dieses Verfahren stellt die Wirksamkeit, Reinheit und gleichbleibende Qualität jeder Charge sicher.
Unabhängige Qualitätsprüfer
Es gibt unabhängige Qualitsprüfer, welche ätherische Öle, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, testen. Einer davon ist
"Experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way. As a third-party lab, our mission is to provide clients with a reliable source for verifying essential oil purity. Our expert staff has decades of combined experience in testing essential oil purity. They have studied and developed a variety of methods to detect adulterations through use of new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment."
Das Aromatic Plant Research Center testete ätherische Öle von 50 verschiedenen Firmen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass 95% dieser 50 getesteten Unternehmen UNREINE Öle verkaufen. Von den 50 getesteten Unternehmen waren Nur drei dabei, deren Produkte REIN und UNVERVERFÄLSCHT waren. Ein Unternehmen davon ist doTERRA.