Single oils from A to Z
In addition to several blends, doTERRA offers many single oils that guarantee a high quality. Find here a detailed overview.*

Awakens, gives a feeling of calm, gives various dishes a fresh, herbaceous note. Suitable as massage oil.
- Aromatic
- Topical
- Internal

Powerful cleansing and clarifying properties, can contribute to clear, healthy-looking skin when used externally. Suitable as massage oil.
- Aromatic
- Topical
- Internal

Blue Tansy
(Blue Tansy)
Promotes the reduction of blemishes. Soothes the skin after application. Suitable as massage oil.
- Aromatic
- Topical

Douglas fir
(Douglas Fir)
Cleanses and clears the skin. Has a mood-lifting effect. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical

Promotes a feeling of relaxation. Gives the feeling of free airways and easy breathing. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical

Provides a sweet aroma reminiscent of licorice and honey. The beneficial aroma promotes relaxation and an invigorating environment. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

Promotes the appearance of clear, healthy skin. Gives the hair a lively, healthy shine. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

Often used as a kitchen spice. Cleans teeth and gums.
- internal
- topical

Gives a tangy, sour aroma to many dishes. Lift the mood. Suitable as massage oil.
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

Sweet, minty food aroma. Cleanses the mouth and fresh breath. Suitable as massage oil.
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

Hawaiian Sandelwood
(Hawaiian Sandelwood)
Ensures healthy looking, smooth skin. Reduces blemishes. Brightening mood. Often used for meditation due to its grounding and uplifting properties. Suitable as massage oil.
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

Promotes feelings of calm and relaxation. Often used in aromatherapy and meditation due to its grounding properties. Clarifying effect for the skin. Suitable as massage oil.
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

Fragrant, soothing aroma. A popular kitchen spice that is used in many dishes from all over the world. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

(Jasmin Touch)
Powerful cleaner. May contribute to clear, clean skin when applied to the skin.
- topical

Aromatic spice for cooking and baking. Brightens the mood when used externally. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

Warming, uplifting aroma. When used externally, it has a soothing and calming effect on the skin. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

Promotes a smooth, even complexion. Reduces blemishes. Suitable as massage oil.
- aromatic
- topical
- internal

Tightens the complexion. Promotes feelings of relaxation. Helps maintain a clear complexion. Suitable as massage oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Gives dishes a fresh, strong aroma. Purifying and clarifying aroma. Suitable as massage oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Relieves occasional skin irritation. Reduces blemishes. Suitable as massage oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Apply to wrists and ankles when hiking. For use during meditation, for a peaceful feeling and to calm the senses. In combination with cedar and incense, it is suitable as a perfume. Effective cleaning agent. Promotes clear, healthy looking skin. Suitable as massage oil.
Arborvitae or the "tree of life" is of majestic size and has numerous health-promoting properties. Arborvitae oil is unique due to its high concentration of methyl thujate.
- topical
- aromatic

To improve the taste of food. Influences the mood positively thanks to stimulating and refreshing properties. Suitable as massage oil.
The essential oil doTERRA lime is refreshing and energizing in aroma and taste. Limes are often used in starters and drinks because of their fresh, citrus-like taste. The lime is also known for its uplifting, balancing and energizing effects. Due to its cleansing properties and the uplifting scent that comes from the high lime content, lime is often used in facial and body cleansers.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Sweet, bitter food aroma. Helps relieve anxiety. Suitable as massage oil.
The mandarin has a long tradition in Chinese herbal medicine. It has a sweet-bitter aroma that is uplifting and stimulating. Essential tangerine oil can be used to relieve anxiety and stress. Tangerine is a popular and tasty addition to desserts and drinks - from water to fruit smoothies - and can be used in any recipe that contains citrus fruits.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

As an aroma for dishes and food. It is valued for its positive, soothing aroma. Suitable as massage oil.
Marjoram, was known as a symbol of good fortune by the Greeks and Romans. Marjoram essential oil is widely known as a spice for cooking and is therefore an irreplaceable kitchen ingredient. The herbaceous aroma of marjoram oil can be used in soups, stews, dressings and sauces. In Germany this herb is known as "goose herb" because it is traditionally used to roast geese.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Clary Sage)
(Clary Sage)
Soothing and soothing on the skin. Promotes healthy looking hair and scalp. Suitable as massage oil.
Clary sage is a biennial or perennial herb and grows up to two meters high. Clary sage is known for its soothing properties and skin benefits. The main chemical component of clary sage is linalyl acetate, which belongs to the group of esters and makes this oil one of the most relaxing, calming and balancing essential oils.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Soothes the skin; ensures a smooth, youthful complexion. Promotes emotional balance and well-being. Suitable as massage oil.
Myrrh has strong cleansing properties, especially in the mouth and throat. When used externally, it has a soothing and calming effect on the skin and ensures a smooth, youthful-looking complexion. When used aromatically, it promotes emotional balance and well-being.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

(from the flowers of the bitter orange tree)
Nourishing aroma. Promotes feelings of calm and serenity. Soothes the skin. Soothing aroma that promotes relaxation. Suitable as massage oil.
Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the bitter orange tree. Many studies have been carried out on the aroma of neroli essential oil. It is known for its soothing, uplifting aroma that can create relaxation and promote mental and emotional wellbeing. When used externally, neroli oil can soothe the skin and reduce the appearance of skin flaws.
- topical

Spicy, herbaceous food aroma. Cleaning supplies. Suitable as massage oil.
Oregano is a very potent essential oil and has a tradition of use that goes back centuries. The essential oregano oil is obtained from the fragrant leaves of the oregano plant, Origanum vulgare, and has found its way into cookbooks and spice cupboards around the world. The main chemical ingredient of oregano is carvacrol, a phenol that makes it one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils. For external use, oregano should be diluted with a carrier oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Grounding, balancing effect on emotions.
Patchouli is often used externally, because patchouli reduces wrinkles, blemishes and slight skin irregularities and ensures a smooth, radiant complexion. The scent of patchouli has a grounding and balancing effect on emotions. After a long day's work, apply peppermint to the forehead, temples or neck. Apply one to two drops to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes or problem areas of the skin, or to add to your moisturizer. Combine with Vetiver and apply to the bottom of the feet to calm emotions.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Promotes feelings of relaxation when used externally. Reduces blemishes. Suitable as massage oil.
Petitgrain essential oil is extracted from the bitter orange tree, which has long been used in traditional health practices. There are three essential oils that are extracted from the bitter orange tree. Petitgrain is distilled from the leaves and branches of the tree, neroli essential oil is distilled from the flowers, and bitter orange oil is obtained by cold-pressing the peel of the fruit.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Put a drop of peppermint with lemon in water and you get a healthy, refreshing mouthwash.
The peppermint plant is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and was first described by Carl von Linné in 1753. A high menthol content - as can be found in doTERRA essential peppermint oil - is characteristic of high-quality peppermint. Peppermint is still one of the best-selling essential oils from doTERRA.
- internal

Roman Camomille
(Roman Camomille)
Has a calming effect on the skin and body. Promotes healthy looking skin and hair. Suitable as massage oil.
Add 1-2 drops to your moisturizer, favorite shampoo or conditioner and you will benefit from youthful looking skin and healthy hair. Mix the oil with other floral essential oils like lavender, ylang ylang and patchouli. Put 1 drop in herbal teas or hot drinks ..
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

(Rose Touch)
Nourishing aroma. Helps to moisturize the skin. Reduces blemishes and blemishes. Promotes an even, healthy complexion.
Rose Touch combines fractionated coconut oil with essential rose oil. Rose Touch can be applied to the reflex points during the day to raise the mood. It can be used to moisturize the skin, reduce blemishes and promote an even, healthy complexion. Apply to the reflex points during the day to raise the mood. Apply to problem areas twice a day to reduce the appearance of blemishes. Apply as a perfume to the neck and wrists.
- topical

Aromatic, herbaceous food aroma. The regenerating scent invigorates the senses. Suitable as massage oil.
The herbaceous, energizing scent of rosemary is often used in aroma and massage therapy. Add a drop of rosemary to your favorite meal or meat dish for a better taste experience. Combine it for a massage with dTERRA fractionated coconut oil. Spread a few drops of rosemary oil around your tent or sleeping bag to keep spiders and other insects away.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Promotes a healthy, even complexion. Reduces scars and blemishes. Lift the mood. Often used for meditation due to its grounding and mood-lifting effect. Suitable as massage oil.
Sandalwood oil can help reduce skin imperfections and promote a healthy, even complexion. It has a sweet, woody aroma that lifts the mood. It is often used for meditation due to its grounding effect. Fill a large bowl with steaming water. Then apply a drop or two of sandalwood to your face and place a towel over your head. Hold your face over the water vapor. Your skin will feel cared for and rejuvenated. Spread one or two drops in damp hair to moisturize and give it a silky shine.
- topical
- aromatic
- internal

Black Pepper
(Black Pepper)
To improve the taste of food. Suitable as massage oil.
The sharp taste of black pepper makes it the ideal addition to meat, soups and appetizers. However, due to the chemical composition of black pepper, this essential oil is much more than just a practical kitchen spice. Black pepper essential oil is rich in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, natural chemicals known for their antioxidant properties.
- topical
- internal
- aromatic

Sibirian Fir
(Sibirian Fir)
Helps to balance emotions. Makes you feel easier to take a deep breath. Suitable as massage oil.
Siberian fir essential oil has a refreshing, woody fragrance known for its calming and relaxing properties. The unique chemical composition is responsible for a large part of the soothing properties. Siberian fir has a very soothing effect on the skin and is therefore the ideal essential oil for a soothing massage. The Siberian fir can help to breathe easier, at the same time it calms the emotions and has a grounding effect. Apply to muscles and joints after physical exertion or use with fractionated coconut oil for massage. Put a drop or two in your moisturizer and apply it to the neck or soles of the feet. Relieves minor skin irritation when used externally.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

(straw flower)
Improves the appearance of the skin. Promotes youthful looking skin.
The straw flower is generally known for its skin-regenerating properties. It is also called "immortelle" and is used in anti-aging products because of its rejuvenating effect on the skin. The Stromblume can help to reduce blemishes and promotes a radiant, youthful appearance. Use externally to reduce blemishes. Apply to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and promote a radiant, youthful look. Massage into the temples and neck to feel the beneficial effects.
- topical

Bekannt für seine reinigende und verjüngendeWirkung auf die Haut. Wird wegen seines positiven, beruhigendenAromas geschätzt. Als Massageöl geeignet. Das ätherische Öl Teebaumöl ist vor allem für seine reinigenden Eigenschaften bekannt. Es kann zur Reinigung und Entschlackung von Haut und Nägeln sowie zur Unterstützung eines gesunden Teints verwendet werden. Bei innerlicher Anwendung fördert Melaleuca die gesunde Immunfunktion*. Ausserdem kann es als Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinflüssen auf Oberflächen im ganzen Haus verwendet werden. Melaleuca wird gern bei gelegentlichen Hautirritationen verwendet, um die Haut zu beruhigen. Die Diffusion von Melaleuca eine reinigende und erfrischende Wirkung auf die Raumluft. Bei gelegentlichen Hautreizungen 1–2 Tropfen ätherisches Melaleuca-Öl auf die betroffene Stelle auftragen. Für saubere und gesunde Nägel nach dem Duschen auf Finger- und Fußnägel auftragen..
- äussere Anwendung
- Diffusion

Reinigende und klärende Wirkung für die Haut. Unterstützt ein gesundes Immunsystem. Natürliche Insektenabwehr.
Thymian produziert ein starkes ätherisches Öl, das eine reinigende und klärende Wirkung auf die Haut hat. Aufgrund seines hohen Thymolgehalts sollte Thymian vor der Anwendung mit fraktioniertem Kokosöl von doTERRA verdünnt werden. Thymian hat eine besondere chemische Zusammensetzung, die ein gesundes Immunsystem unterstützt. Geben Sie 2 Tropfen in eine leere vegetarische Kapsel und nehmen Sie diese in der kalten Jahreszeit ein, um Ihr Immunsystem zu unterstützen. Bei der Gartenarbeit als natürlicher Insektenschutz. 1–2 Tropfenverleihen IhrenFleischgerichten und Hauptgängen einen frischen Kräutergeschmack.
Mit fraktioniertem Kokosöl verdünnt auf die Haut auftragen, um diese zu reinigen und ihr ein gesundes Aussehen zu verleihen.
- Einnahme
- äussere Anwendung

Soothing, grounding effect on emotions. Supports the immune system. Suitable as massage oil.
Vetiver has a unique, exotic aroma and has a calming and grounding effect on our emotions - ideal for massage therapy and a restful sleep. With its calming and grounding effect on emotions, Vetiver is an ideal oil for massage therapy. If you massage it into your feet before going to bed, it promotes restful sleep. When used internally, Vetiver can support a healthy immune system. Add 1-2 drops to your tea or other hot beverage in winter to take advantage of the immune support properties *. Use as a massage oil to calm emotions. You can find deep relaxation by taking a warm bath with a few drops of essential vetiver oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

(Juniper Berry)
Acts like a natural facial toner. Has a calming and grounding effect. Suitable as massage oil.
Juniper berry oil goes well with French-inspired sauces and desserts and gives a variety of dishes a very unexpected touch. In addition, juniper berry acts as a natural facial toner and reduces the appearance of blemishes. Use juniper berry essential oil sparingly for best results. Add a drop to water or citrus drinks. For a clear, healthy looking complexion, just apply a drop. You get a refreshing, clear aroma in combination with citrus oils.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Makes the skin clear and smooth and reduces the appearance of impurities. The warm, pure aroma ensures a feeling of relaxation. Suitable as massage oil.
Its soothing and beautifying properties are used to rejuvenate and soothe the skin. Massage incense into your hands after a long day of gardening and enjoy its warming and soothing effects. Helps reduce blemishes when used externally. Massage incense into your hands after a long day of gardening and enjoy its warming and soothing effects.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Cleansing and clarifying effect for the skin. Supports a healthy immune system. Natural insect repellent.
Thyme produces a strong essential oil that has a cleansing and clarifying effect on the skin. Due to its high thymol content, thyme should be diluted with fractionated coconut oil from doTERRA before use. Thyme has a special chemical composition that supports a healthy immune system. Put 2 drops in an empty vegetarian capsule and take it in the cold season to support your immune system. In gardening as a natural insect protection. 1–2 drops give your meat dishes and main courses a fresh herbal taste.
Apply diluted with fractionated coconut oil to the skin to cleanse it and give it a healthy appearance.
- internal
- topical

Soothing, grounding effect on emotions. Supports the immune system. Suitable as massage oil.
Vetiver has a unique, exotic aroma and has a calming and grounding effect on our emotions - ideal for massage therapy and a restful sleep. With its calming and grounding effect on emotions, Vetiver is an ideal oil for massage therapy. If you massage it into your feet before going to bed, it promotes restful sleep. When used internally, Vetiver can support a healthy immune system. Add 1-2 drops to your tea or other hot beverage in winter to take advantage of the immune support properties *. Use as a massage oil to calm emotions. You can find deep relaxation by taking a warm bath with a few drops of essential vetiver oil.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Juniper Berry
(Juniper Berry)
Acts like a natural facial toner. Has a calming and grounding effect. Suitable as massage oil.
Juniper berry oil goes well with French-inspired sauces and desserts and gives a variety of dishes a very unexpected touch. In addition, juniper berry acts as a natural facial toner and reduces the appearance of blemishes. Use juniper berry essential oil sparingly for best results. Add a drop to water or citrus drinks. For a clear, healthy looking complexion, just apply a drop. You get a refreshing, clear aroma in combination with citrus oils.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Wild Orange
(Wild Orange)
Invigorating body and senses. Refreshes the skin. Suitable as massage oil.
The wild orange has stimulating and energizing properties. This chemical ingredient gives Wild Orange the ability to cleanse and refresh. The orange peel also contains plenty of antioxidants that maintain and support general health. Wild orange intensifies every essential oil mixture with a fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma. Put a few drops of wild orange in an unscented lotion and spread over the body. For an invigorating shower, simply add a few drops of essential oil to the shower gel. For an energy boost, put 1-2 drops in the palms of your hands, in equal parts peppermint and frankincense. Rub your palms together and take a deep breath, then apply to your neck.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Ideal for a warming, soothing massage after a workout. Has a refreshing aroma that is uplifting and stimulating. Suitable as massage oil.
The main chemical component of wintergreen, methyl salicylate, is used in skin creams and massage mixtures due to its calming properties. Wintergreen is used as a flavoring agent in small amounts in sweets, toothpaste and chewing gum. Wintergreen has a refreshing aroma that is uplifting and stimulating. Wintergreen has a warming effect when used on the skin and is ideal for a soothing massage. Small amount, big impact! Use the oil sparingly and dilute it with fractionated coconut oil to avoid possible skin reactions. For a soothing bath, add 1–2 drops of wintergreen essential oil to warm bath water.
- topical

Ylang Ylang
(Ylang Ylang)
Provides antioxidant support. Promotes healthy skin and hair. Lifts the mood and has a calming effect at the same time.
Ylang Ylang is often used in aromatherapy and in the manufacture of perfumes. In aromatherapy, ylang ylang is used to relieve tension and stress and to promote a positive attitude. The internal application of Ylang Ylang has an antioxidant effect. Ylang Ylang goes well with bergamot, geranium, grapefruit and vetiver. Add Ylang Ylang to your epsom salt bath for a relaxing effect. Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam application for the facial skin with ylang-ylang essential oil. The oil unfolds its sweet, floral scent on your wrists. You can get a nourishing hair conditioner if you put a little ylang ylang in fractional coconut oil from doTERRA.
- internal
- topical

Promotes relaxation. Supports a healthy complexion. Suitable as massage oil.
Essential cedar oil is characterized by its warm, woody fragrance. It has numerous health-promoting properties. The scent of the oil awakens feelings of well-being and vitality. When applied locally to the skin, it has a clarifying and cleansing effect. Cedarwood is often used as part of a massage to soothe the mind and body. Add a drop or two of cedar oil to your facial toner or cream to promote a healthy, clear complexion. Put a drop on a cotton ball and put it in the cupboard to create a fresh scent and keep unpleasant smells away. Add cedar oil to your bath water for a relaxing spa experience.
- topical
- aromatic

Refines the taste of beverages, bread, desserts and starters. Promotes oral hygiene. Suitable as massage oil.
Cinnamon, which has long been used as an aroma for food and because of its benefits for internal health, comes from a tropical, evergreen tree that grows up to 14 meters high and has a strongly fragrant bark, leaves and flowers. Due to the high cinnamaldehyde content, only one drop is needed for internal use. Cinnamon is often used for mouthwashes and chewing gum and has a long tradition in culinary use as a flavoring for desserts, appetizers and hot drinks. Add 1 drop of essential cinnamon oil to hot water or tea and drink slowly. Put a drop in 100 mL of water and gargle for an effective mouthwash and fresh breath. In your next recipe, replace the ground cinnamon with essential cinnamon oil and you will get a wonderfully spicy aroma.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

Food flavoring. Has a mood-lifting effect when used externally. Suitable as massage oil.
Lemon oil has numerous positive properties and can be used in a variety of ways. In drinking water it is refreshing and gives you energy for the whole day. It is often used to give dishes and desserts a better taste. Lemon has an uplifting, energizing aroma that promotes feelings of lightness and joy. To improve the taste of your drinking water, add lemon oil. Avoid such sugary drinks as sodas. For a sweet and tangy note, add lemon oil to your favorite desserts when preparing them. Add a drop or two of lemon oil to your soap mix and enjoy the thorough cleaning experience. Put one or two drops of lemon oil in a detergent. Your surfaces will be even cleaner and smell fresh and invigorating.
- internal
- topical
- aromatic

As an aroma for dishes and food. Clarifying and toning. Suitable as massage oil.
Lemongrass has long been used in Asian cuisine for soups, teas and curries, as well as fish, poultry, beef and seafood. It also has a clarifying and toning effect and is often used in skin care products due to these advantages. Use it to spice up starters and meat dishes. Combine with basil, cardamom or spearmint. Dilute the oil and rub or spray on the skin before going outside.
- internal (intake)
- topical

Relieves tension when used externally. Refreshing and invigorating for emotional wellbeing. Suitable as massage oil.
Melissa officinalis, also known as lemon balm, bears the name "Melissa" because of its sweet, fresh, citrus-like scent that attracts bees (Melissa is the Greek word for "honey bee"). Lemon balm is one of our rarest and most expensive oils and offers a variety of advantages and applications. For a younger complexion and a fresh spirit, add to your moisturizer or add to a spray bottle filled with water and spray on the face. Rub on forehead, shoulders or chest to enjoy a feeling of calm and emotional well-being.
- internal (intake)
- topical
- aromatic

Promotes vitality and energy. Helps improve the appearance of oily skin. Suitable as massage oil.
Cypress oil is obtained from the branches of an evergreen, tall tree and has a fresh, clear fragrance that has an energizing and refreshing effect. Cypress is often used for wellness treatments and massages; for more energy, apply to feet and legs before a long run.
For an invigorating massage, mix essential oil from cypress and grapefruit with a carrier oil. Add a drop or two to your facial toner to improve the appearance of oily skin.
- topical
- aromatic
* Disclaimer: No medical indication. These essential oils are no remedy or substitute for any medical advice or application. Please note that some typing errors could occur. Please check with your doctor and pharmacist first.